domingo, 11 de diciembre de 2011

Top 2011

Well, since everybody is calling it a year (even though it is barely the half of the month) and making their top 3, 5 or 10 of this year I would feel bad not to follow the trend, therefore, here is my basic top 3 of things 2011 left us with, but please feel free to comment and/or suggest items missing or that you might think were not considered.

2011 Best & Worst

Top 3 Best LP's 
  • Feist – “Metals” 
  • The Black Keys – “El Camino” 
  •  Adele – “21”

Honorable Mention:  Beastie Boys – “Hot Sauce Committee Part II”

Top 3 Worst LP’s
  • Noah & The Whale – “Last Night on Earth” 
  • Jay-Z & Kanye West – “Watch the Throne”
  • Red Hot Chili Peppers – “I’m with you”

Top 3 Most anticipated LP’s for the next year
  • The Killers 
  • Dido          
  •  Rodrigo y Gabriela

Top 3 Best Movies
  • X-Men First Class 
  • The Muppets 
  •  Sucker Punch

Honorable Mention:  Arthur

Top 3 Worst Movies
  • The Hangover II 
  • Bad Teacher 
  • Captain America

Top 3 Most anticipated movies for the next year
  • The Avengers 
  • Sherlock Holmes:  A Game of Shadows
  • Mission Impossible: Ghost Protocol

Top 10 Best Games (in alphabetical order)
  • Batman: Arkham City 
  • Catherine 
  • Disgaea 4: A promise unforgotten
  • Gears of War 3
  • L.A. Noire
  • Portal 2 
  • The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim 
  • The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword 
  • Ultimate Marvel Vs. Capcom 3 
  • Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception

Honorable Mention: Final Fantasy IV: The Complete Collection

Dishonorable Mention: “The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword”’s crappy motion capture

Top 5 Worst Games
  • Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy (AKA Dissidia Duodecim) 
  • Duke Nukem Forever 
  • Resident Evil:  The Mercenaries 3D 
  • Mortal Kombat: Arcade Kollection 
  • Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing

Top 3 Gadgets
  • Nintendo 3DS 
  • iPhone 4S 
  • Samsung Galaxy S2
Honorable Mention: MotoRazr Droid xt910 (any cellphone made with Kevlar, Gorilla glass and the latest android version is worth mentioning)

Top 3 Events
  • Muammar Gaddafi’s death and the Libyan liberation
  • Steve Jobs’ death 
  • The possible disintegration of the European Union and it corresponding financial disarray.  

As previously mentioned, feel free to comment about this post.
Happy Holidays

jueves, 24 de noviembre de 2011

"Short skirts and respect", or "to justify or not justify an agression" or "freedom?"

I’ve been thinking about it for quite some time now, but since I saw Lesson # 1238 of Surviving the World on November 21st 2011, I decided to write about the subject.

First of all, let’s get something clear, this issue can be approached in more than one way, but since I’ve studied law under the “Civil Law” model, I’ll try to approach it accordingly (nevertheless all “Commonlaw” model opinions are welcome), so here’s the thing:  Where do we draw the line in the confrontation between “freedom” and “respect”? (I deliberately write both words that way as they aren’t univocal concepts.)

Wait for a moment, re-read the question and ponder it…  at a first glance everybody may have an opinion, nevertheless it may change one way or another once re-thinked. The post at “STW” blew my mind as I thought that problem was exclusive to Mexico (due to the fact that Mexican society considers itself liberal even though it is deeply catholic-conservative). In Mexico most people frown upon girls with short dresses considering it to be an invitation to be harassed or raped, but on the other hand, consider “freedom” as absolute, and here is where it gets tough, but before continuing, I would like you to take a look at the aforementioned post in “STW” here:

You may consider after reading the previous paragraph and giving it 3 minutes of thought that the solution is simple, no matter how you act, you are free to dress, act and say whatever you like without having to bear with any consequences you know? “Freedom above everything else”.

Then again, that’s not as simple as it sounds, think about it for a moment once again, let’s not get too ahead of ourselves people and remember law was created for once single purpose, and that’s to regulate the actions of the members of a society towards the protection of values such as RESPECT and beliefs.

So let’s re-consider our little experiment, let’s say that a girl goes around prancing in a miniskirt and a mini tank-top (if that’s how it’s called anyway) “showing too much skin”, many of us might say “well, she has a right to dress however she wants, it’s a part of her personality” and I might agree to that, but then again would the same principle apply to a couple of exhibitionists having intercourse at a park in front of a large group of children? Don’t answer just yet… think about it…

I’m not promoting exhibitionism, but then again, the previous argument was that it doesn’t matter how little your clothes are, you have the right to dress anyway you want and not be frowned upon or attacked, so we shouldn’t be splitting hairs here regarding nudism people… following the previous argument, they’re allowed to dress or fail to do so as they see fit, because it represents their personality, and they may even argue that nudism is an essential part of their personalities.               
Some of you may be thinking, ok but you said they were having intercourse right? So THAT’S the problem, not the nudity… well let’s get real people, I don’t think you would like a streaker in your community, that same community in which your little brothers and sisters or children play, aren’t I right? But skipping the point in which nudity proves a problem itself (and we begin to re-consider the concept of “freedom above all”) let’s get to the bigger conundrum.

Action is part of that “absolute freedom” we all seem to advocate for in our younger rebellious days, it’s not only freedom to dress however we want, freedom of speech but also freedom of action, and it may even get to the point in which such freedom gets into conflict with a little thing called RESPECT, and so we wonder “What is respect?” well, it seems it’s nothing but the way people expect to behave during some situations.

Wait, WHAT!? Must I behave in a determined way just because other people want or expect me to? That’s right! That’s respect people, and then again wouldn’t that conflict out young ideas of absolute freedom? Yes it most certainly would, but nevertheless that’s how society works and you might be expected to already know that, so let’s carry on…

If “freedom” implies the “liberty” of acting however anyone likes, and expressing however one decides to, then again the love expressed by the nudists by having intercourse at the park would be perfectly justified, since it is a public place, which means it does not belong to anybody, or that it belongs to everybody (depending on the way you see it), the same as the street the girl walks by, and since they’re expressing themselves (we’re talking about the nudists again) not just by their actions but by how they go on public, and we’re supposedly free to do so, nobody would be able to complain about such scenario.

Some may even say “well, we all know having sex in public is wrong, the law says so, society tells us so”, but I would then argue (just to prove a point): and what if the law doesn’t state so explicitly? And regarding society, well… in the middle east sometimes women who don’t cover their face are frowned upon or even considered immoral, and since almost every country has got immigrants from all over the world, an Islamite in our country (whichever it is) may consider it “wrong” to see women on the street without a burka, or maybe a Brazilian could consider it irrelevant to see a woman going topless down the street, so we might have to render all unwritten laws and society considerations as inapplicable to the problem at hand you see?

Therefore we get again to the initial question, if someone dresses, acts or says something that seems either offensive (and I use the term offensive as it is said that most of the sexual-related crimes are based on a feeling of aggression rather than attraction) or inviting to others, are they entitled to respect for such actions or is the rest of society allowed to act against it?

So then again people, I’m not advocating in pro or against miniskirts or nudism, I’m just wondering, where do we draw the line?

lunes, 29 de agosto de 2011

And "after a storm comes a calm"... or so did the cleric say...

Matthew Henry was the author of such phrase, he was a clergyman who lived during the XVII Century (A.D. obviously). Nowadays everyone repeats such phrase as if it was an obvious statement, but then again, I think good old Matt meant it in a whole different way (or so I would like to think in order to avoid ranting against the Church once more...) the thing is... calm does not arrive after the storm necessarily, but rather it's how we perceive things that enables us to see the light at the end of the sh*thole...

Therefore, in order to achieve calmness, we must renew our perspective and try to panic for a short period of time and then move on, it is impossible to move on before panicking, and it isn't quite healthy to panic and stay panicked ad perpetuam. Therefore, we must first be pummeled to the ground in order to rise once again and sometimes even stronger than before. 

But make no mistake, I'm not an optimist but rather like to think of myself as a fighter, and therefore wired to rise up once again in order to keep fighting (not that I know the purpose of rising up again and again either, but between action and inaction I think the first one must prevail over the latter).

And so, I stumbled upon this talk by Neil Parischa and found it not only inspirational but logical and useful, and thought it would be best to share it with whomever reads this (if anyone does). 

This post, being the third of today concludes with the trilogy of posts previously mentioned.

Once again, I've got no copyright over it and suppose all copyright is property of

But hey... no effing pressure...

By having a genius dad and topping it off with having a genius older brother it would seem only natural that the younger offspring (me) would have more freedom as the important duties would be tackled by his older brother or father, but my luck isn't that great (or else I wouldn't be myself right?) and so, contrary to what everyone might belive, I am expected to do better than my father and at least as good as my brother, which is no easy duty (not to say improbable at best and pretty effing impossible in real terms). 

As everyone else, I've had my frail moments, one of them being pretty recent, but it was during such days that I came across this webcomic and felt as related as humanly possible, and after reading it I went to bed just thinking... "but hey... no f***ing pressure..."  *sigh* ¬_¬.

BTW all credits go to and the webcomic is located at 

Two Sides to any story...

This post is part of a trilogy of posts I'll be publishing today, and the reason this third (or first, depending on how you see it) was written is because the following two posts are two sides to a story. The first one reflects a very important part of my everyday life, a feeling I carry on my back every single day with me and which appalls me, but then again, after accepting such feeling, I came across this incredible talk at ( is a webpage featuring different people which provide the audience with a speech, either regarding technology or positive thinking, or things of the like, which if you haven't visited I would highly reccommend you to do, but I digress...) which made me remember the beauty existing in the action of not just watching the world, but observing it. 

More than once, I've caught myself staring at a bug, a tree or a child, and smirking, and I like to tell myself it's because my inner child hasn't quite grown yet. But then again, I'm invading another of today's posts, so without further ado, I would like to make way to the following two posts adding that most of the time, there are two sides to all stories, but it's up to you to decide which one to pay attention to.

jueves, 7 de julio de 2011

The reason why everybody acts as an a-hole...

I've always said that science has the answer to 90% of the questions out there... and science once again brings us a good piece of advice with the following pie chart which states the possible outcomes of each woman, and explains why everyone wants to be an asshole,  or at least tries to be one...

The 10% of the answers remaining unsolved is why being an asshole comes naturally to some people... ¬_¬

I have a dream

Actually this webcomic dates back to about a year ago in my previous blog, but I dreamt today of reading that old post, and therefore, here it is once again (just updated the actresses names LOL). BTW this multiple-me webcomic is a pretty goos approach to what happens in my mind on a daily basis, just FYI.


lunes, 27 de junio de 2011

The Wisdom of Webcomics

I've recently read all the "Bad Machine" Saga of "Scary Go Round" webcomics and became a fan right away, at first it might look like the story of a bunch of 12 year olds, but actually the reader gets to relate to the charaters no matter the age. That's the wonderful part of it, apart from the neat illustration and the peppy English accent. 

I'm convinced that should I had been born in a different country, I would have been a Brit, the weather, the slang, the personality of its people...  my visit to England was epic, as was my visit to Ireland, (and please Irish people, I don't mean to say that you and Brits are anything alike, it's just that I relate more to Brits as I can't handle that much alcohol in me, not that it wasn't fun trying at Dublin, hehehe).

But that's beside the point, the issue here is that sometimes webcomics like these make you relate and view things in a different way, but then again some things apply the same here and on the opposite side of the world, a few years ago or today, for example, this strip was great! It's priceless, *Sigh* those old school days... (Pay special attention to panels 4 and 8)

It made me remember earlier years and even today! *sigh* Women are so complicated, but then again I can't imagine a world or my life without them or the drama they provide to life. But in a nutshell... girls... please speak your mind and don't expect us to read between the lines !!! (And Cor (( that's a Brit slang for "God" in a complaining fashion)), if you want a kiss just ask for it! It's extremely unlikely that we won't give in to the request!)

And should my girlfriend read this... um... you're not complicated luv, you're... special!?  *Runs frenetically in circles until he falls down*

P.S. I widely reccommend taking a peek at Scary Go Round, you wont be disappointed, and Bad Machine isn't the only saga.

Times like These

Today’s morning was exquisite, cloudy, partly rainy, and the areas in which there was no more rain anymore smelled like wet concrete…  That’s a good morning, a morning which always reminds me of the good times, vacation, trips, etc.

The smell of wet concrete, solitary streets and a cloudy sky can never go wrong, it will always be a perfect scenario to have a walk or stay at home watching a movie under the bed sheets or playing a good videogame, both activities accompanied by a good warm beverage, my recommendation? Earl Grey or English Breakfast with no sugar but a splash of milk (whole milk, no synthetic stuff of low fat), or in any case, a good cup of coffee.

So in conclusion, what is it about cloudy rainy days and the smell of wet concrete that makes me feel so good? Dunno but it’s quite a pick-me-up for those stressful periods of time which torment us all now and then… (and yup, that's a second reccommendation to anyone who is in need of a pick-me-up).

Welcome Back!

Quick introduction:

Had a blog, forgot the password, hence a new blog. If anyone is reading then please enjoy it.

BTW by voyage I mean my mind drifts a lot, not to be confused with actual travelling to places, which I may blog of on ocassion, but that is not the primary focus of this blog.